Extra Virgin Olive Oil of the Highest Quality from High Altitude Farms
At ArcticMed, we strive to use only the best extra virgin olive oil in our Omega-3 Premium blend. Our pursuit of perfection has led us to high-altitude farms, located at over 1000 meters above sea level. These farms produce olives with unique health properties, where the cooler climate and altitude minimize pests such as the olive fly and ensure natural purity.
Each year, the olive oil undergoes rigorous testing to ensure its nutritional content and health benefits. Only those batches that meet our extremely high quality standards are selected. On certain occasions, we bottle this exclusive oil separately in limited edition 500ml bottles – a true masterpiece of high-altitude nature.
Enjoy the health benefits of this rare, high-quality extra virgin olive oil, created by nature and refined through our commitment to purity and quality.
/ Mikael Marcko CEO Arctic Health AB